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Selected Pages
To the Ends of the Earth (Acts 1:8)
To the Ends of the Earth
(Acts 1:8)

Donald Jackson, with contributions from Andrew Jamieson and Sally Mae Joseph
Natural hand-ground ink on calfskin vellum
Image copyright 2002 The Saint John's Bible and Saint John's University

The image of the earth in a dynamic cosmos illustrates the words in which Christ foretold the eventual spread of his teachings: "to the ends of the earth." This view from space, with the African continent clearly defined, is based on a picture from the Hubble Space Telescope. The comet will remind Minnesotans of the Hale-Bopp comet, which was visible in the summer of 1997. Showing the earth in ever-expanding space, together with linear geometric patterns, suggests both continuing evolution and ordered stability. The many crosses indicate the continual expansion of Christianity in the world.

Most of The Saint John's Bible illuminations have a full palette of colors, but this one is simplified. The principal colors are a rich ultramarine blue and a brownish tan, used in differing values to create depth and variety.


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The Birth of Christ (Luke 1:5 and 2:40)
The Birth of Christ

To the Ends of the Earth (Acts 1:8)
To the Ends of the Earth

The Parable of the Sower and the Seed (Mark 4:3-9)
The Parable of the Sower and the Seed

The Genealogy of Christ (Matthew 1)
The Genealogy of Christ

Adam and Eve (Genesis 2:4b – 11.32)
Adam and Eve

The Life of Paul
The Life of Paul