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The T'ang was a highly creative period. Probably the most important invention in terms of worldwide impact would be the invention of gunpowder. Within the T'ang Dynasty the Chinese go on to use gunpowder to invent the rocket. The two-stage rocket is invented in the next Dynasty, the Sung. Eventually they invent what we would call small firearms, and then the cannon. The cannon travels to the West under the period of Genghis Khan in 14th century during the Yuan period. So the invention now of gunpowder, the firecracker, and the rocket, and these were used in celebrations as they still do with firecrackers today, but also in military conflict and warfare. This was a new invention, which goes on to have great impact on humankind throughout the globe.

This is a period of wonderful painting, of brilliant sculpture, of very, very fine architecture, both palatial, as well as temple construction continues. The stone sculpture, the bronze sculpture in Buddhist traditions, especially is very notable. The pictorial arts prosper as well. The court itself is involved with some of that certainly and there is, not the invention, but certainly the evolution of Chinese landscape painting begins to take place at this time. And we can see painting take two different directions. One, the more didactic, descriptive, colorful type of painting and the other the pure ink painting. Both of these are rooted in the T'ang pictorial traditions.

So, it was a rich, opulent period for the arts and the Chinese see the T'ang Dynasty, which comes to an end in 906, as one of the true Golden Ages of their long and distinguished history.